Friday, September 23, 2011

简易吐司 (直接法) Easy Made Plain Toast

Ingredients :
380g High Protein Flour (can mix with whole meal flour)
25g Butter
1/2 tsp Salt
210g Warm Water (if egg or milk is used, deduct the water)
11/2 tsp Yeast
25g Corn Oil
1 tbsp Sugar

Method :
1. Mix water, yeast, oil and sugar to culture the yeast.
2. Add in flour, butter and salt. Knead untl the dough is smooth.
3. Rest for 15 min.
4. Flatten the dough, roll into elongated oval shape and roll it up like a swiss roll.
5. Proof in a greased loaf tn for 30-45 min (about 80% full of the loaf tin).
6. Bake n a preheated oven at 180  ̊C for 30 min. If u are using a covered loaf tin, uncover it and bake for another 10 min. If u prefer a darker crust, bake for another 5 min using only the top heating tube.
7.  Cool the loaf on a rack and slice t when it is completely cooled.

Monday, September 19, 2011

草莓豆浆饮 Strawberry Soya Shake

Ingredients :
15pcs Strawberry
125ml Chilled soya without sugar

Method :
1. Wash all the strawberries and pour everything into a blender and blend till smooth.
2. Pour into cups and serve.

Tips : Put in some ice and blend together if you like.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

日式咖哩鸡 Japanese Curry Chicken

材料 :
1只 鸡
1条 红萝卜 (切大块)
1粒 洋薯 (切大块)
1粒 洋葱  (切丝)
Kokumaro Curry Mix

做法 :
3。锅内烧热适量的食油,爆香洋葱后,倒入萝卜和洋薯略炒香,再加入鸡肉炒3 分钟。
4。依照Curry Mix 的指示,把水和Curry 块加入,再以中火焖至所有材料软(大概10分钟)。

后记 :小公主和小王子都很喜欢吃这道菜,他们还称这是小朋友的咖哩,哈!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

肉桂面包卷~1(直接法) Cinnamon Roll

Ingredients :
300g High Protein Flour
1/2tsp Salt
50g Sugar
1tsp  Yeast
2 eggs (lightly beaten)
60ml Milk
60g Soft Butter

Filling :
70g Soft Butter
50g Brown Sugar
2 tsp Cinnamon Powder

Method :
1. Mix and knead all the ingredients (except butter) until well mixed.
2. Add in butter and knead until smooth or not sticky.
3. Cover and proof until double size.
4. Round it and rest for 15 min.
5. Roll the dough into 14" square and spread soft butter on top it (leaving 2cm boarder all around empty).
6. Mix brown sugar and cinnamon powder, then sprinkle this mixture on top of the buttered area and roll it up like a swiss roll.
7. Cut into 4cm thick and place close together on 8" square tin (9 pcs in 3 rows).
8. Cover and proof for another 30 min.
9. Bake in a pre-heated oven at 180  ̊C for about  25 min.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

自制披萨 Homemade Pizza

Pizza Base :
100g Cold Water
1tsp Yeast
5g Castor Sugar
200g High Protein Flour
1/4tsp Salt
10g Corn Oil

Toppings :
Sausages (sliced)
Onion rings
Button Mushroom (sliced)
Crab Stick (sliced)
Tuna with mayonaise (canned)
Shredded Morzarella Cheese (I found Cheddar in my fridge and I just use it)

Sauce :
Tomato Sauce mixed with some black pepper and mixed herbs

Methods :
1. Mix water, yeast, sugar and oil in a bowl.
2. Add in flour and salt and knead until everything mix well.
3. Proof for 40 min.
4. Roll out the dough into round shape.
5. Spread tomato sauce and tuna on top of the pizza dough, follow by sausages, button mushrom and crab stick.
6. Lastly put in onion rings and shredded cheese.
7. Bake in a preheated oven at 180  ̊C for 30 min (depands on how crispy u prefer).

肉碎酿面包 Roti Babi

材料 :
鸡蛋 (加入少许盐,打散)

调味料 :

玉米粉 + 少许水

做法 :

小贴士 :馅料炒得较湿会比较容易酿入面包里。如果家里没有三文治机,也可用平底锅煎。

蛋煎面包 French Toast

材料 :
面包 (最好用隔夜的,切成三角形)
鸡蛋 (加入少许盐和糖调味,打散)

做法 :
2。可以以加央 (kaya) 或果酱配搭此面包。

苦瓜煎蛋 Fried Egg with Bitter Gourd

材料 :
半条 苦瓜 (切薄片,再以少许盐搽洗以减去苦味)
3 粒   鸡蛋 (加入少许盐和胡椒粉,打散)

做法 :
1。锅里烧热少许油, 放入苦瓜略炒,再倒入蛋液煎至金黄色。

蒸酱肉 Pork Stew

材料 :
花肉 (连皮切成喜爱的大小)
2 粒 干贝(泡软,沥干,弄成丝状)
5 汤匙 葱头茸
2 汤匙 蒜茸
2 汤匙  蚝油
2 汤匙 黑酱油
1 汤匙 浙醋
1/2 汤匙 糖
1/2 杯 水

献汁 :
1/2 汤匙 玉米粉 + 少许水 (搅匀)

做法 :
1。把花肉放入滚水中煮5 分钟,取出,再放入一个深碗里。
2。把其余的材料混合, 淋在花肉上,以中火蒸2 小时 (必须不时加入滚水再蒸)。
