Friday, December 30, 2011

肉干 Bak Kua

材料 :
500g 瘦肉碎
150g 肥肉碎
2tbsp 绍兴酒
2tbsp 鱼露
2tbsp 生抽
1tsp 盐
1tsp 麻油
1/2tsp 五香粉
150g 糖

做法 :
1。用2-3双筷子将所有材料以同一方向搅至起胶,放入冰箱腌至少2 小时。
3。肉上再铺上一张纸袋,然后杆成大約4厘米厚 (厚度可依个人喜爱而调整)。
4。放入预热烘炉里,以190 ̊C 烘15分钟,取出再剪成所需的大小,翻转,再烘20分钟即可。

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Kuih Baulu

Ingredients :
250g Flour
200g Castor Sugar
2 tsp Baking Powder
6 Eggs

Method :
1. Sift flour and baking powder together for 3 times. Set aside.
2. Mix sugar and egg using a hand mixer till well combined.
3. Fold in flour mixture and mix well.
4. Rub a layer of butter into the mould and sprinkle some flour inside. Pour out the excess flour.
5. Pour batter into mould till 3/4 full and bake in a preheated oven at 170  ̊C for 20 min or till cooked.
6. Cool it on a  wired rack and keep in a air tight container.