Wednesday, September 7, 2011

肉桂面包卷~1(直接法) Cinnamon Roll

Ingredients :
300g High Protein Flour
1/2tsp Salt
50g Sugar
1tsp  Yeast
2 eggs (lightly beaten)
60ml Milk
60g Soft Butter

Filling :
70g Soft Butter
50g Brown Sugar
2 tsp Cinnamon Powder

Method :
1. Mix and knead all the ingredients (except butter) until well mixed.
2. Add in butter and knead until smooth or not sticky.
3. Cover and proof until double size.
4. Round it and rest for 15 min.
5. Roll the dough into 14" square and spread soft butter on top it (leaving 2cm boarder all around empty).
6. Mix brown sugar and cinnamon powder, then sprinkle this mixture on top of the buttered area and roll it up like a swiss roll.
7. Cut into 4cm thick and place close together on 8" square tin (9 pcs in 3 rows).
8. Cover and proof for another 30 min.
9. Bake in a pre-heated oven at 180  ̊C for about  25 min.